Dear Gen Rawat This is with reference to the statements made by you yesterday at Pune.

Officers Equations with Civil
Civil Grade |
Junior Time Scale |
Junior to Captain |
Equal to Captain |
2/ Lt, Lt and Capt clubbed by 3rd CPC |
Senior Time Scale |
Equal to Captain |
Equal to Major |
Selection Grade/ Non-Functional Selection Grade (SG/ NFSG) |
Equal to Major |
Senior to Major |
Army Ranks (Clerical Cadre) vis-à-vis Civilian (Clerical Cadre)
Sepoy, Lance Naik, Naik and Havildar |
Lower Division Clerk |
Naib Subedar (Gazetted Rank)
Upper Division Clerk (With less than five years service) (Non Gazetted Post) |
Subedar (Gazetted Rank) |
Upper Division Clerk (With more than five years’ service),and Office Supdt Grade -II (Both, Non Gazetted Posts) |
Subedar Major (Gazetted Rank)
Office Superintendent Grade-I (Non Gazetted Post) |
Edge in Pay and Pensions of Defence Forces over Civilian Employees Globally
Ser No |
Country |
Notional Edge in salary as service pay or special allowance for military service |
Pension Scale with notional edge for military service |
1 |
India |
Nil |
50% of pay and same is depressed by 6 to 24% in respect of Lt Col & below ranks constituting 90% of the manpower strength of the Defence Forces. |
Allowances Defence and Civil Comparison
Type of Allowance |
Civilian Employee |
Faujis |
Disabled Employees
(a) Protection of Service
(b) Pay and Allowances
(c) Pension
(c) Right to life of dignity of self and family
Govt has to retain them till 60 yrs under Disability Act
Full protection under Section 47 of the Act.Will not be discharged on account of disability.
Full pay and allowances admissible till the age of 60 even if unable to attend any official duty. Can even be kept on supernumerary post and paid all pay and allowances.
Entitled to full service length till superannuation and pension thereafter.
Full pay and pension and complete Government protection/cover with entitled facilities Admissible to dependents |
Invalided (Thrown) out of service immediately
Defence Forces exempted from operation of Section 47. Hence no protection of employment available in case of disability. Employee can be discharged on account of disability. Nil Admissible
Nil Admissible
Nil. No facilities or protection for self and dependents
Increase in Pension of highest rank employee from 1973 to 2006
108 times Highest Civilian Functionary Pension 1973 - Rs 416.50/-pm 2006 - Rs 45000/-pm |
45 times Highest Def Rank Pension
1973 - Rs 1000/-pm 2006 - Rs 45000/-pm
Period of Service
Upto60 years of age
85% compulsorily retired between 35 -37 years age. 12-13% compulsorily retired between 40-54 years age |
Career Progression
Three Promotions at 10,20,30 years of service
Three promotion at 8, 16, 24 years of service. 85% compulsorily retired at 15-17 years’ service; thereby denied 3rd career progression |
Officer’s Promotion opportunities
100% Joint Secy at 16-18 years’ Service 100% AddlSecy at 32 years’ Service |
1% Maj Gen at 32-33 years of service. 3% Lt Gen 33-35years
Non-functional Upgradtion (NFU)
• JS Pay at approx22 yrs. • Addl Secy Pay at 32yrs
Nil |
seems have never worked in Delhi. Desk officer is the most powerful clerk, I have seen many serving and retired Admirals getting their promotions with crates of Scotch smuggled from ships. They got promotions when they sank ships, sold fuel and ration. One RA and secretary finance were caught naked in Russia. Made to Admiral. Let us stop fooling our selves. Resign you
if you care about your men. Got save us.