Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/05/2017 - 05:43
Income Criteria from all Sources for Dependents.
Consequent to the implementation of recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission and revision of income criteria for dependency of “family” in the CGHS vide the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare/Gol letter, the income criteria for dependency of family in ECHS also stands revised to “Rs 9000/- plus amount of Dearness Relief on the basic pension of Rs 9000/- as on the date of consideration”. The amount of Dearness Relief is indicated in the income limit stands for the amount of Dearness Relief drawn by a pensioner/ family pensioner on the date of consideration and not the amount of Dearness Relief due on the date of consideration. The orders are to be implemented with immediate effect. All other terms and conditions of eligibility will remain unchanged. The point may be noted by the eligible ESMs while submitting Affidavit for membership.