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admin's படம்
Submitted by admin on வியா, 20/07/2017 - 22:41


Hi Friends,
This is in continuation to a link which I had sent earlier wherein Gen Malik's speech was given. If you still have the same, pl go through the same and then read the following text. 
It is very obvious that the concerned News Paper had been instructed, by "Certain Community" to play down/dilute the main context so as to safe guard their own back sides!!! 
                              Gen Malik spoke very well in Goa conclave. 
Army definitely is not a career choice for aspiring intelligent youngsters, the way it used to be in fifties, may be in sixties too.One could find offrs then who came from royal families or well known rich land lord families.They married the ladies invariably from similar families. It was a class unto itself. Corporate sector in India was nonexistent and choice of career was restd to army or civ services. The charm of uniform and display of bravado was fascinating in young age. It was distinguished class of offrs and ladies, in fifties and sixties, who were the creme of our society. 
In seventies onward, middle and lower middle class youngsters who were hardworking and looking for better qlty of life and adventure started joining. In the mean time, civ servants and pol ldrs broke the convention and stopped sending their wards to army. 
The hardship and inherent danger was not to their liking. So the "God Fatherly" hand of protection of higher ech of governance withdrew the protection. 
We lost the status of creme- a - la -de - creme of society which then was usurped by IAS/IPS, MPs/MLAs. There were ways to make easy money and money could buy status. 
Why to endanger life and comfort by joining army?  We in army,  tried to maint status of yester years even within the stretched financial  resources for some time, till about late seventies or early eighties. 
It invited jealousies of civ services who now were in posn to harm our interests, bèing in the seat of governance and close to powers that be. We lost the battle of supremacy. 
Onslaught in terms of degradation in successive pay commissions, propping up PMF and police forces, ensuring no say of generals in matters mil in MOD  started. Fine. But somebody should have opposed it and taken steps to remedy the degradation of status of army offrs, which unfortunately never happened. In our context the only person who has access to govt ( PM, RM, President) is COAS.
We have had 29 Chiefs till Gen Rawat. We will discount **** Rawat being new. None of them , repeat none of 28 Chiefs took one single step to remedy our ills. 
Not one chief stood up, Gen Ved Malik incl,  to the govt to state that his offrs and men were unfairly treated and govt must take imdt step or else he would quit ( i am not talking of coup). 
Army Chief is not CEO of corporate and he is not secy of a dept. He is ldr of 15 lacs offrs and men who look up to him to safeguard their interests. He is a big man who stands 12 th in warrant of precedence and can spk to RM, PM, President whenever he wants. There is difference in writing a letter to govt and taking a firm stand on the issues. 
Gentlemen, the fact is that none of our chiefs took a stand for us. Some of them wrote letters to the Govt and thought that they had done their duty to us. We can not blame govt for all our ills. 
Bureaucrats and pol ldrs are clever. They worked out that Chief will not do much except máking customary noises and then went for the kill. Bureaucrats and politicians  mauled us nice and proper. They made us equal to BSF and CRPF. 
You know in no other country a police chief is equal to Lt Gen. You know combined Panjab ( Pb, Har, HP) had one IG police who was equal to Brig. SP was equal to càpt and even today he is addressed as "Police Kaptan". 
Today, Haryana has dozen three star police offrs , some of who don't even have office and telephone. Some DGPs don't have even one dozen men under them.Why this issue of unequal status was not forcefully taken up with govt is not known. Why did we accept 3, 4, 5, 6 pay commissions without anamolies being resolved? There are too many other issues but this space is restd.
We need to look inward. We need to have competent mil ldrs at the top levels of mil heirarchy. We have to have a Chief who can take firm stand for his offrs and men. 
The post is not meant to indicate any disrespect to our former chiefs. They will always be respected.
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