Friends, A super wise man called Chetan Bhagat has come out with an article in dailies questioning why OROP should be given to soldiers. He cited finances, other sectors, money needed for youth employment and senior citizens..I could not hold myself from rebuffing this man and sending this to his mail ID.
Respected Mr chetan Bhagat, I never questioned the wisdom of jury when they conferred many prizes and awards to you for your writing though there might have been few even better than yours one because it is not my habit to question your wisdom. But , I was stunned to read the article in today’s dailies where you have questioned OROP for soldiers. Now as I am one of those officers and jawans whose candidature for such OROP is questioned by you , I hope I am not disturbing your luxury time by asking these questions. I wish you be as forth coming in replies as you tried to be through articles....
1. Before writing this , did you ever wrote anything about hardship and life danger these soldiers facing every day?
2. Didn’t you ever see soldier in full uniform with his big beddings and other items on his head running and entering in the general coach travelling without a seat as he got no time to reserve a seat? I don’t thing you might have even travelled in a train leaving your business class flight that to may be on sponsored tickets by organisers.
3. Did you ever missed a marriage or unfortunately the last rites of your grand parents (May God they live long if thee are there ) because you could not reach because of any national duty?
4. Did you ever wrote this against big babus already getting OROP ? I think no because many of them may happen to be your friends and relative.
5. Did you ever tried to find out and write how much this country can save if no neta and other VIP is allowed to have treatment on Govt expense in USA/London?Singapore as they should not be allowed the facility they could not provide to aam aadmi of this country. I think No!!! Because you don’t want to lose your good book relations with them.
6. As you advocated OROP money could have been used for poor senior citizens and for national finances, I humbly ask how much % of your huge income from royalty and writing work you have donated for poors and national cause?
Can ask many more my dear!!!!! But I advise you to check what pension (even after your rain of money on us through OROP) a poor soldier is going to get and is it equal even to one of the servant you may be paying ? The answer will open your eyes and I hope you write something better for soldiers...Even if this is not sufficient then, I challenge you to come out of your luxurious bunglow, catch a train , travel in a general coach on legs, go to the terrains of Uri and Khemkaran sector of J&K and write your next book there. You will feel the danger and toughness a soldier faces there. Don’t worry you will find many of my brothers at each and every hill top there to protect you as those poor soldiers don’t discriminate what if you have questioned their OROP?
Surinder Tiwari Good one....
Satbir Chhonket Very nice.these so called---+++ don't know the life of the soldiers
Shailendra Shailendra Tell him to write novels only , like 5point someone etc etc for the jean pant wallah , and not on soldiers abt whom he knows nothing . .
Milind Mhase Really nice
Kedar Baghela Vow...Chetan Bhagat wud feel delighted...even enlightened to write a new series...introspection.
Hanuman Ram you found the nerves sirji.......
Legging Alina Legging Ppl like him only advise our fin min arun jaitley and later he turn a blind eye towards OROP
Legging Alina Legging Ppl like him only advise our fin min arun jaitley and later he turn a blind eye towards OROP
Anil Choudhry Very sorry state of affairs from Mr bhagat
Mukund Choudhary Master reply with masterpiece Sirji...
Sreejit Nair His name should be changed to chuthiya Bhagat...
Rocky Mathew Mr . Chetan Bhagat should worry about his class , not of poors and youth. Better get off this discussion of orop and write some soft porn or that sort. Get lost you scoundrel.
Rajaneekaant Rai Excellent, we must not keep quiet.
Sunil Thukral But I m sure these guys including Chetan Bhagat(Thagat) r knowing our problems.They can not highlight as they r biased & their OROP (Incentives & increments)
ASanjay Patil Chetan Bhagat is as clueless as anybody else pumping his views on almost on everything. Talking on OROP is last thing he should have voiced his opinions on.
Its not his fault alone mainly because people encouraging him to pen down his thoughts are greatly at fault. -
Krishan Kumar Tyagi jake paanv na padi bivai, so kya jane peed parayee.
Sandeep Patil Very nice reply sir....he is one of those who narrate the stories and assumptions on each issues by seating in his luxurious bunglow... he is far away from the realities.....poor knowledge guy....
Vinod Mamgain Is bagula bhagat ko winters main thoys bhej do aur bolo yshan baith kar likh novel bhi aur orop bhi
Jiten Negi Masterpiece rply men ... He doesn't know nythng about soldiers n thr lyf thtz y he wrote tht but may soon he ll regret his mistake . Writer ho book likho BC mt kro .
Virendra Singh He is a traitor like Modi.
Virendra Singh He is a traitor like Modi.
Om Prakash Sharma Very well replied,I think he has been put forward by govt. because this kind of people are surviving on the grace of govt only, .......
Indrajit Chatterjee Chetan vaghat should study more about soldires and be bit lesser expert about every thing
Pushpender Sinha Very nice
Rajanikanta Subudhi Excellent reply, Chetan Bhagat should have analised himself before putting his pen on the subject of OROP and Indian Defence Veterns.
Ravi Chadha Tell him to mind his own business.He has no answer to your questions
Krishan Kumar Tyagi Bhagat ji ko vo yaad dilao.jab desh me thi diwali hum khel rahe the holi, jab aap bethe the gharon me hum jhel rahe the goli.......... Isliye milna chaheeye.
Yogi Yogender Gadhe churma kha rahe hai!
Sanjeev Luhach Kudos for befitting reply
Panekkat Ramesh Nair Some celebrities have the habit of passing statements which can give them media attention. But this also shows that the campaign is gaining momentum. Very soon we will have lot many big names from various industries taking either sides. And let that happen, as this will only ensure faster results. Wishing one and all a great successful campaign.
Surjit Kapoor chetan bagat ne jawab diya ya bill mein chup gaya
Bishan Das Bishan Das Chetan Bhagat has no idea about armed forces..
Thakur Praveen Kumar Mr. Chetan Bhagat I always thought of you as an intelligent before today; but you have proven me wrong. YOU ARE SO DUMB.
Samit Saha If Mr bhagat has any guts he should revert on this. I used to read bhagat,s book, I declare today onwards will not read any of his book. He is a man with mask.
Balraj Singh Kandola He wrote absolutely right sir