Submitted by admin on வெள், 21/04/2017 - 13:25
The Disabled War Veterans (India) during these past few years have pursued with MoD various issues concerning the War Disabled in particular and other disabled as well. These are in regards their entitlements and welfare measures.
As the retiring President, I have been requested by the new President, Capt N K Mahajan and the members attending the General Body meeting to accept their tanks and the post of Patron and Chairman of the Governing Body of Disabled War Veterans (India) and continue to work with the MoD, DoPPW, Armed Forces Headquarters, on their behalf, in this new capacity, representing the Association.
I also take this occasion to thank the DoPPW, Secretary (Pensions)Shri Vishwanath, Mrs Sujusha Chaudhary and her team, besides the MoD especially the present Secretary Shri Prabhu Dayal Meena and the Joint secretary Shri Ravikant. I wish to thank Shrimati K Damayanthi the previous JS (ESW) for opening the doors and assisting us within the prevailing rules. They between them have a more sympathetic approach and it speaks volumes for their endeavour in overcoming past prejudices of the Veteran Community and the Disabled in particular.
Accordingly, I met with Secretary ESW along with the Joint Secretary on 25 March 2017 and discussed the following:
1. Types of Disabled
These are:
1.1 War Disabled retained in service and retired at the end of their service with 60% disability.
1.2. War Disabled Veterans Invalided out of Service (The Orphans of the service) as the orders for them ignore their entitlements.
1.3 War disabled seeking premature retirement denied disability pension due leaving the service prematurely- Now granted the same for those retiring after 2016. We requested the previously PMR cases also be paid accordingly.
1.4. War disabled compelled to take lump sum disability as per MoD orders of 1987/2001 in case they wished to be retained in service. We requested that this be treated as Computation and their disability pensions be restored.
1.5 Disabled as a consequence of accidents etc but attributable to service.
1.6 NANA Cases.
All these issues are under examination and though there is no immediate answer to some of these categories, they are being considered sympathetically.
2. Old Age Pensions
According to the PCDA(P) circular 568, these were to be paid on the basis of service element only. However, a reversion to the older formula is being considered.
3. Empanelment orders by MD (ECHS)
After having spearheaded this with MoD we learnt that ECHS would only provide the initial prosthesis to all with subsequent repairs and fitting at the personal cost of those fitted with the same.We explained that though we had requested to be consulted whilst preparing the instructions, our inputs were being ignored. The war disabled and battle casualties are authorised two prosthesis along with yearly provision of crutches, walking stick, stump socks, foot socks and shoes. They were further authorised free replacement and repairs for life. These entitlements were being ignored.
Both Secy (ESW) and the Jt Secy (ESW) noted the same and necessary instructions would be passed down.
4. Revision of OROP Tables and acceptance of full service of the rank for those Invalided out instead of Service actually rendered based on Judicial Commission report.
The above included the revised calculation of pensions of Lt's, Capt's and major's based on notional pay @ 50% of emoluments and the full service to be counted for those invalided out.
The report was studied by the Fin (Def) and is with the PCDA(P) for financial implication report. It is being followed up by the IDAS Shri R K Karna.
Please allow some time for completion. Was assured that the PS Directorates and us would be consulted before final orders are passed.
5. War Injury Pension on Percentage Basis
The report from the anomaly commission is awaited though informally it is learnt the percentage system has been accepted as before.
6. Broad Banding of Disability Pensions
Was informed that this would be included in the revised orders of 7CPC awaited.
6. Enhanced Pensions for war Widows of the War Disabled Invalided out of Service.
The previous RM had been convinced of the genuine request but the same would be actively considered on the receipt of the revised 7CPC report now awaited by MoD.
Col H N Handa
Disabled War Veteran's (India)
C6-18/1 Safdarjung Development Area,
Behind Haus Khas Telephone Exchange,
New Delhi 110016
Tele: 011-41315492
Fax: 011-41315492/0124-4051572
Mail: diwave1@gmail.com
website: www.diwave.org
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