Submitted by admin on சனி, 24/02/2018 - 08:32
7th Pay Commission : Government decided to set panel to hike employees salary | Oneindia News There is good news on the 7th Pay Commission. The Finance Ministry is set to hike the salaries of Central Government employees. 7th Pay Commission: Latest news, panel formed to fix pay structure Now a panel has been formed to decide on the pay hike. The panel is expected to give its report in six months time. The panel is expected to be headed by Pradeep Kumar Sinha, the Cabinet secretary. An official announcement to this effect is expected soon. The job of the panel would be to recommend the new pay structure. The panel will have officials from the Home and Defence Ministry, department of personnel and training among others. A decision on the pensioners too would be taken. The government does not want any further speculation on the matter. There are deliberations and discussions on in this regard. A source said that the government wants to close this matter once and for all. The government is also aware that this issue matters to a large section. There are 1 crore people who will be affected by this decision. Both CG employees and pensioners put together account for at least 1 crore people. This is a huge vote bank and for the 2019 elections, this is an important issue. With talks of the elections being advanced, the pay hike may come in April. Most of these people are unlikely to vote for the NDA if a pay hike is not effected. CG employees and pensioners were unhappy with the 7th Pay Commission recommendations. The government had recommended it with 34 modifications. All sources indicate that the hike will come in April. However there would be no arrears, the sources also confirmed.
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