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You have ruined the beautiful organisation called ‘Armed Forces’ respected Officers:FB post

admin's படம்
Submitted by admin on வெள், 18/09/2015 - 23:51

You have ruined the beautiful organisation called ‘Armed Forces’ respected Officers!!!!!!!
While writing this, I apologise all my beloved and highly respected officers with whome I spend the golden period of my life and I will be humble and true to accept here that few of those were so nice and always believed in helping me and others in need. But Alas! They were very very few in numbers. And there itself was a huge number of devils , the acts and mind set of whose out numbered (by big margin) these very few right thinking officers . I am sorry to say , these devils have ruined a very nice organisation....and that is the reason why we are here today....
In a country fully divided on cast and religion lines, I simply , for thousand times shared the same glass of peg of my fellow air warriors, without knowing or I say without ever bothering to know whether my friend is a Jat or Brahmin Or rajput or SC or ST or a Mathews or A Ali. Where else can we get that bonding?
My best friends were happened to be likes of Zakirs, Swaminathans, Josephs , Gurmeets , patils, yadavs , Mishras and many more. Where else you can find such a pan Indian multi religion multi cast social circle?
When I sat on the scope of a Radar alone at 3 AM in the night tracking and reporting the movement of my countries fighters and at the same time keeping a watch on those of enemy, I felt myself too proud and importance of my job. I wonder how my jawan friends from Army must be feeling when he keep lying in a bunker with finger on trigger and his tiger like eyes watching the movement of enemy? A naval brother sailing in mid of a violent sea also feel the same. Can any one choose to leave these organisation without too serious reasons?
When you said stand up I did so, Run i did so, stupid and bloody I listened so and even performed extra duties happily if ordered as punishment. Where else you find such a loyal bunch? 
In return of all these We never asked for moon but some basic facilities , a comfortable , not luxurios payment and over and above a work atmosphere free of discrimination, specially for families. But despite all these the always selfish mindset of majority of policy maker officers never bothered to think of jawans. How a jawan feel if out of his 5 years posting in Delhi, he get quarter just for 2 years but hundreds of hired civil servants of officers , enjoy the beautiful complex for tens of years compromising the safety and secrecy of the units. Tired of giving the examples. 
I will just sum up that had you thought about your buddies impartially, providing timely promotion, fought the Govt for their pay and perks and had not considered them just an other class , none of us would have quit the service and there would have been no need to demand an OROP. Weather I get some more in the form of enhanced OROP or not, but I will always miss this beautiful organisation the atmosphere of which has been badly ruined by these culprits of country forcing the ever united soldiers fighting separately for their cause!!!!!!!

    Babu Cherian Hanuman Ram sir..nice article..plese do write in both languages..
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
    Nachhatar Singh Well ecplained in true sense.
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
    Thakur Praveen Kumar Hanuman Ram ji very nicely crafted writeup. May I share it up at OROP Ex-serviceman Group or you will do it?
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
    Hanuman Ram Already shared on OROP and EX servicemen employed in bnanks Thakur Praveen Kumar sirji.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs · Edited
    Thakur Praveen Kumar भाई Hanuman Ram जी आप 20 को आ रहे हैं ना? वहीँ मिलेंगे और आपसे बातचीत भी हो जायेगी।
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
    Sudama Yadav दर्दे दिल का इससे ज़्यादा बयां करना मुश्किल ही नहीं नामुमकिन भी है। हर फौजी एक इंसान भी होता है।
    Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
    Sukhjinder Dhillon No words Sir G...very well articulated
    Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
    Sudish K Nambiar Fantastic Sir ji....!!!!!!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
    Vijay Chauhan बहुत बढ़िया पेश किया आपने, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं| अफसरों के दुर्वयवहार के कारण अधिकतर काबिल तथा तजुर्बेकार लोग समय से पहले फ़ौज को अलविदा कह देते हैं|अनयथा फ़ौज से बढ़िया कोई और संस्था नहीं|
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited
    Rupesh Nagia Beautiful beautiful no words to say good sir very good kindly post on the officer OROP plz god bless u sir give more words in your mind
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
      Hanuman Ram already done there...Many of them are already spitting venom there because sach kadwa hota hai sirji
      Like · Reply · 59 mins
    Prem Prakash Very nice article(her fauji ke dil ka darad hai Yeh
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
    King Hems Very well said. ...only few officers are good. ..majority behaves badly with soldiers. ..and they quit. ...In the process of quitting. .Some brilliant soldiers also quit which are really needed to be in. ..anyway
    Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
    Rajesh Padmanabhan Not only theirfault first traitor nehruvian imperial legacy want such racist abuses pimping in our systems still intact. Govt need to decolonise systems by revolutionary overhauls
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
    SSreenivaasa Raju Well said sir
    Like · Reply · 1 · 58 mins