OROP Negotiations

ESSAAA SUPPORTS the Veteran Satish Bahris View.
OROP Negotiations Gen Bahri
5:59 PM (5 minutes ago)
The trailing mail was sent to Gen Satbir Singh yesterday requesting him to soften his stand. As he has not replied so far I am putting on the net so that you all can also tell him that we should not be too rigid as most of our requirements have been met. Large number of friends is working to ensure that the govt does not wriggle out of its commitment. Any deficiencies can be sorted out, in due course. Also if we continue to be difficult the govt can be even more awkward. So we do need to grab this opportunity. Gen Vijay Oberoi and Mr Rajeev Chandershekar also tried to convince Gen Satbir but did not manage to soften his stand. Need help urgently from every one.
Satish Bahri
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Satish Kumar Bahri <skbahri1@yahoo.com>
To: Maj Gen Satbir Singh SM <satbirsm@yahoo.com>
Cc: Lt Co Inderjit Singh <aiewa81@hotmail.com>; VSM** Lt Gen Balbir Singh PVSM <bsingh.1946@yahoo.com>; Sunith Rodrigues <jeansunithrodrigues@yahoo.co.in>; VIJAY OBEROI <genoberoi@gmail.com>; Gen Ved Malik <vedmalik@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 31 August 2015 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: OROP Negotiations
Dear Satbir,
I have received your mail rejecting my proposal below. I have had a talk with the COAS and Gen Aggarwal. While the review after two years has been accepted by Aggarwal as necessary, as it done in the US, however, the Chief is concerned that we have only a week’s window available before the model code kicks in due the coming Bihar elections. If we are not able to clinch the deal before that the govt is likely to ref the issue to 7th CPC and we may lose Rs 16k crs worth of pensions. The govt is also considering referring it to a Committee of Secretaries. We know how long they will delay matters and eventually come to an unfriendly decision.
I am sending my request by mail as I think we should not talk on mob phones as they are sure to be tapped and it will show our differences in thinking. The Chief has proposed that we clinch the deal on offer soonest as on offer is -
a) Base year 2013/14 and OROP to start from 1 Jul 14, as accepted by our mediators. Will try to get it moved to 1/3/14 again.
b) No change in definition.
c) Review every 5 years, but the first review will be after 2 years to see that there are no anomalies like juniors drawing more pension than their seniors, as per the Supreme Court ruling. If this happens then review may be done every two years.
In my discussions with Gen Balbir he has confirmed that this is an acceptable solution to him and to Col Inderjit. Satbir, you have done wonders in mobilizing support for our cause and your efforts, in concert with your colleagues have brought us to the stage that the govt has come off its high horse. So now you must not be too rigid. Otherwise we are likely to lose the OROP for 2014 and 2015. Gen Ved Malik during his meetings with the Principal Secretary to the PM had got him to accept a committee with service reps to resolve anomalies that may crop up from time to time. So I think that we have enough safeguards now to ensure that we are not short changed anymore.
I have discussed the matter with Gen Vijay Oberoi, Gen Rodrigues and Gen Ved Malik and they are also requesting that we should now relent as we all feel that it is important that our brave soldiers and some ladies on hunger strike can break their fasts. Having done so much I do not wish IESM, the pioneer, to act as a roadblock.
Satish Bahri
From: Satish Kumar Bahri <skbahri1@yahoo.com>
To: Maj Gen Satbir Singh SM <satbirsm@yahoo.com>
Cc: Lt Co Inderjit Singh <aiewa81@hotmail.com>; VSM** Lt Gen Balbir Singh PVSM <bsingh.1946@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, 30 August 2015 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: OROP Negotiations
Satbir, further to my trailing email and our discussions a while ago at Jantar Mantar I would like to suggest that to break the impasse and not lose an opportunity on offer can we do a conditional acceptance of a review after 5 years with the condition that we may have to come back after two years if the loss to the soldiers is excessive and the anomaly of juniors start getting more than the seniors, is apparent again. The Supreme Court ruling is there to support us in that a junior cannot draw more than his senior.
Please consult amongst yourselves as then the OROP can be announced by tomorrow and we can break the fast of our brave people.
Satish Bahri
From: Satish Kumar Bahri <skbahri1@yahoo.com>
To: Lt Co Inderjit Singh <aiewa81@hotmail.com>; Maj Gen Satbir Singh SM <satbirsm@yahoo.com>; VSM** Lt Gen Balbir Singh PVSM <bsingh.1946@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, 30 August 2015 1:12 PM
Subject: OROP Negotiations
Reference the last meeting you people had with the Home Minister. I understand from Lt Gen Venky Patil that the government has agreed to the following:-
a) Definition of OROP will be as per Koshiyari Committee.
b) Pensions will be paid wef 1/4/14.
c) Review of military pensions will be done every five years.
I understand that we had asked the review to be done every 2 years, which the government reps said will have to be referred back. And we are stuck there!
May I suggest that as our main points have been accepted ie., OROP has been accepted as it was intended to be and from the date we wanted. Only thing is that the review is being done every 5 years and not 2 years. I suggest that we close the deal now for the following reasons:-
a) The 5 year review, between two CPCs, is a big concession as it has never happened before.
b) We had got tremendous support from the ESM, Press and the general public, thanks to the help provided by Delhi Police on 14 Aug. I regret to say that from the calls being received by me from all and sundry and friends who are watching social media are warning that the sympathy trend has turned negative rapidly during the last 3-4 days. I had sent a message through Brig Kartar two days ago about this disturbing trend. On Twitter a number of ESM and their children have become very critical and have called us greedy. Not a pleasant compliment, from our own.
I would therefore request you to take heed of this disturbing turn of events and not press our point too far to make it counterproductive.
The protest has been successful and we should call it a day. If you agree I can convey our acceptance to Venky Patil today so that the announcement is done by tomorrow. I would also like to tell you that the FM has received a rap on the knuckles for pushing the view point of his babus for too long and brought a bad name to the government.
Satish Bahri
A3/502 World Spa East
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Posted by: GS Nijjar <gsnijjar47@gmail.com>